Are you a small business owner who depends on credit cards to purchase inventory or pay bills? Do you worry about your credit card accounting practices because you sometimes use one card for business and personal purchases? Would you like to spend less time accounting for credit card sales and more time focusing on the needs of your customers? If so, get in touch with SLC Bookkeeping. We are the credit card accounting experts that small business owners count on for CPA-ready books.
SLC Bookkeeping is the small business accounting practice that furnishes outsourced, part-time CFO services to companies that need accurate accounting for credit cards. Our experienced professionals help new and established businesses create customized, practical solutions for everyday — and extraordinary — challenges. Learn more about SLC Bookkeeping and get in touch with us to schedule your free consultation.
SLC Bookkeeping benefits your business because we furnish outsourced, part-time bookkeeping with a full-time presence at a fraction of the cost of hiring a new employee. Spend less time managing your credit cards and other business expenses and more time with your customers — and make smarter decisions faster.
With SLC Bookkeeping, you can:
When you want to spend more time with your customers and less time managing your books, call SLC Bookkeeping.
For more information about our credit card bookkeeping services or to schedule a free consultation, get in touch with us at 801-216-3870.
Businessmen by trade, adventurers at heart; we understand the difficulties of running a small business and balancing a fulfilling life outside of work. We want to make the same thing easy for you. We offer day-to-day financial planning, personalized mentoring, and consulting services that will help you better understand the financial needs for your business and plan to meet your long-term goals.
Phone: (801) 216-3870
159 W Broadway
Suite 200-138
Salt Lake City, UT 84101
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