Deb hails from the Midwest, growing up and currently residing in Wisconsin. Spending her childhood in an entrepreneurial household, working with business owners and understanding their pain points (of which accounting is often one) is her jam!
After graduating from college, she spent time working in a large insurance company and local grocery chain learning practical, day-to-day bookkeeping and accounting. Then she spent almost 20 years in the family business managing operations in a body shop, as well as repairing and painting cars.
The daily hands-on work in a small business raised her awareness of what business owners go through and the demands on their time. After the business sold in 2020, she returned to full-time accounting and worked with various business owners across many industries.
In her free time, she and her husband like to travel, explore new cultures and meet new people. An animal lover since birth, she shares her home office with the resident kitties and greyhound.
Businessmen by trade, adventurers at heart; we understand the difficulties of running a small business and balancing a fulfilling life outside of work. We want to make the same thing easy for you. We offer day-to-day financial planning, personalized mentoring, and consulting services that will help you better understand the financial needs for your business and plan to meet your long-term goals.
Phone: (801) 216-3870
159 W Broadway
Suite 200-138
Salt Lake City, UT 84101
Website designed by Inbound Design Partners