There are a lot of positives about the possibilities of working from home. You don't have to deal with traffic in the morning. You might be able to sleep in a little bit longer. You may not even have to worry about your animals using your house as its personal toilet. However, there are some reasons why, for some, working from home may not be the best option. There are a lot of sole proprietors that probably use their home as a means to save on overhead, but it may be costing them in time due to the fact that they can't concentrate. Other things get in the way; the dishes are bothering them, or the trash just smells. Maybe the carpet needs cleaning and the garage hasn't been organized in a while and the lawn needs mowed. For some, it may just be best to rent out an office at a local co-working space.
The following infographic is an easy comparison to decide whether or not working from home is for you. It may be sprinkled with a little sarcasm, but to be honest, it would difficult to understand how easy it is to fall into these working from home traps without actually being at home attempting to work. It may benefit someone currently thinking about working from home or just starting.
Feel free to share with others that may be considering what they would like to do, now that the digital age has allowed for people to start making moves away from the office and into their homes. It's a great way for some people to live, but can be difficult for others. It's just the right call has to be made.
If you venture into your own business, this additional information may help: