Viewing Your QuickBooks Accounts Receivable Reports

| 1 min read

Viewing Your QuickBooks Accounts Receivable Reports

The success of a small business often lies in the attention spent on unpaid invoices and outstanding customer balances.  Maintain the accounts receivable data, ensuring that all payments are properly processed and recorded, and communicating the status of outstanding balances can be overwhelming.  Luckily, QuickBooks accounts receivable reporting is an effective for tool for small businesses. There are five primary reports you can run in QuickBooks accounts receivable:

  • Open Invoices - This report collects data on unpaid invoices and individual statement charges and categorizes them by customer name and job number.  
  • Accounts Receivable Graph - Utilizing a pie chart, this report displays the total amount owed from all customers as well as the owed amount from individual customers. You are able to view how much a customer owes in relation to all other customers.
  • Aging Summary - This summary provides a quick look at exactly how much money each of your customers owe.  It also displays how old the receivables are. It divides the report into different time periods: amounts currently due, 1-30 days overdue, 31-60 days overdue, 61-90 days overdue, and more than 90 days overdue.
  • Average Days to Pay - In this report you'll receive more detailed, customer based data than on the Average Days to Pay Summary. It compiles data regarding the time it took to receive payment for each job from an individual customer.
  • Collections Report In QuickBooks - You have control over determining when an invoice is overdue.  Based on your preferences, this report will generate data showing which invoices are overdue and the corresponding statement charges. It also includes the customer's primary contact and phone number for easy communication.
What is your biggest challenge in maintaining your accounts receivable reports?     




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