Can't Print Checks in QuickBooks But Can Print Everything Else
I ran into an interesting problem the other day with one of my clients. I ended up getting asomewhat distressed phone call from her asking me why she couldn't print her checks anymore. I asked if she was able to print anything from her computer to which she immediately responded "I can print everything else but I just can't print checks from QuickBooks!"
The first thought that went through my head was that she might be doing something wrong in her process of printing checks, but I soon found out this was farther from the truth
After some brief googling I found other users from all different versions (Starting in 2006 to my current problem with QuickBooks 2014) that have experienced this same problem. Either way it's an issue that doesn't rear it's ugly head often as I haven't seen it in over 100 clients in these past 4 years. But, without further ado, here's the easiest way to manually fix the problem.
Step 1. Close QuickBooks
Step 2. We need to locate the Qbprint.qbp file and rename it; the location of this file will change depending on the version of Windows you're using and version year of QuickBooks:
- Windows 8, 7, & Vista is found ... C:\ProgramData\Intuit\QuickBooks YYYY (YYYY denotes the year of your QuickBooks file)
- Windows XP is found ... C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Intuit\QuickBooksYYYY (YYYY denotes the year of your QuickBooks file)
- Windows Server2008 and Server2012 ... C:\Program Data\Intuit\QuickBooks YEAR and C:\Users\YOURUSERNAME\AppData\Roaming\Intuit\YYYY QuickBooks\TSPrinterSettings (YYYY denotes the year of your QuickBooks file)
- Windows Server2003 is found ... C:\Documents and Settings\YOURUSERNAME\Application Data\Intuit\ QuickBooks YYYY (YYYY denotes the year of your QuickBooks file)
Step 3. Once you've located the Qbprint.qbp file rename it to Qbprintdelete.qbp (We're just keeping the old file just in case something happens during this process)
Step 4. Open QuickBooks
Step 5. Choose File>Printer Setup and click the Check/PayCheck then click Ok
This should have now fixed your problems you had with printing checks; it did for me at least! Just to reiterate, what we did was we deleted all the information QuickBooks ever knew about printing from your computer. We just gave QuickBooks a fresh start on how printers are configured with your system. As to why this happens I really can't tell you, all you need to do is understand that it can be fixed rather easily. If this doesn't fix the problem please let me know and I'll be more than happy to do some further research for you.